Beginner to Advanced Shooting Skills & Techniques

The Precision Rifle
A sniper rifle must be better in many ways than the average rifle to be an overall significantly more accurate weapon. The rifles quality is what will influence half the equation for determining a rifle’s maximum effective range. The other half is the inherent accuracy and quality of the ammunition and scope. If you lack quality in either weapon or ammo, you are not capable of sniping.

The Sniper Scope
The telescopic sight, or ‘scope’, is used for long range shooting and allows us to see and shoot at long distances. To realise the full capabilities of your scope, you must carefully study it, understand it, and use it in a wide range of circumstances during training. There are many different scopes and reticles available these days, so it is best to have a full understanding of rifle scopes before you purchase one, in order to make sure you buy the most suitable scope for you.

Ammunition, commonly shortened to ammo, is propellant and projectile, or broadly anything that can be used in combat including bombs, missiles, warheads, landmines, naval mines, and anti-personnel mines. The word comes from the French la munition which is all material used for war. The collective term for all types of ammunition is munitions.

Terminal Ballistics
Terminal Ballistics is the study of effects on the target produced by penetrating projectiles. In other words, what happens to the bullet when it comes in contact with your target. Understanding terminal ballistics gives you a great advantage when choosing your ammunition and shot placement for your intended target, whatever it may be.

Wind is moving air that is generated by the difference in air pressure within the atmosphere. Air under high pressure moves towards areas of low pressure, the greater the difference in pressure, the faster the air flows. Wind has a range of effects on the bullet. It makes the bullet deviate to the side, known as horizontal deflection, and it also causes aerodynamic jump, which is the vertical component of cross wind deflection caused by wind blowing against a hill or mountainside. A headwind or tailwind can also increase or decrease the velocity of a projectile, however this is often left alone unless the wind speeds are excessive. Wind is what causes most shooters to struggle when engaging targets beyond 300m. It must be fully understood and the shooter must learn how to judge and read the wind from the firing position all the way down to the target end, in order to become a skilled marksman.

Engaging Moving Targets
Engaging a moving target can be a tough challenge, especially at further distances. The chances of engaging a man-sized moving target with a first round hit beyond 400m declines rapidly. This technique requires the knowledge for each potential engagement range and forecasted wind strength. Therefore, the sniper needs to have experience and be able to do quick calculations in his head.

Angle Shooting
When you zero your rifle on flat ground, and then move into a mountainous country or urban area and engage a target at a significant angle, the bullet arcs can get confusing. The arc your bullet traced to hit your point of impact on flat ground is very different from the one you create when aiming at a high or low angle. The sniper needs to figure out the angle and calculate the correct adjustments in order to successfully engage his target from high or low positions.

Low Profile Engagement
The Low Profile Engagement technique enables snipers to engage from a very low profile position in which the formal style of marksmanship would not be best suited. An example would be a rooftop which offers very little cover & depth. The LPE can be utilised to engage targets out to 700m.

Shooting Through Glass
Unlike other barriers, you can observe and verify a target through glass. It may seem a simple barrier to penetrate, but placing an effective neutralising shot through glass is no simple matter, and secondary fragmentation can easily kill a nearby friendly or hostage. You need to understand how to shoot through glass, and what kind of glass you are dealing with.

Aerial Platforms
Helicopter sniping can be the test of a lifetime of marksmanship training and shooting drills, but sometimes it is simply the best platform for taking a shot in certain situations. There is no terrain of equal or greater height than an aerial platform, and it has the potential to give you an incomparable advantage over enemy forces. There may also be no other suitable approach.

Rifle Maintenance
A correctly maintained and well cleaned weapon system will ensure that your rifle remains accurate, and it will extend the barrel life, so do not overlook the importance of cleaning your rifle at the end of each days shooting. For obvious reasons, it is critically important that your firearms remain free from ammunition before beginning maintenance. Before cleaning, make sure the gun is unloaded, and keep the action open during the cleaning process. Also, be sure that no ammunition is present in the cleaning area. There are many good cleaning products available out there, and the initial cost of all the equipment may be slighter higher than you think, but don’t skip out on important cleaning tools and solutions, as they each have their own specific job in helping to keep your rifle and barrel in excellent condition.
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