Camouflage is one of the basic weapons of war. To the sniper team, it can mean the difference between success & failure, or life & death. Marksmanship training teaches the sniper how to hit his target, and the knowledge and correct application of camouflage teaches him how to avoid becoming a target. The human mind automatically scans scenes looking for something different. The key to camouflage is to make yourself look like everything else around you. This way your enemies eye is more likely to sweep right past you.
Latest British Camouflage Patterns:
CS95 DPM - Disruptive Pattern Material is the commonly used name of the camouflage pattern used by the British Armed Forces as well as many other armies worldwide, particularly in former British colonies. The CS95 camouflaged uniform, meaning Combat Soldier 95, as it entered service in 1995, comes in both woodland/jungle (four colours) and desert pattern (two colours). It has recently been phased out and replaced by the most recent MTP uniform.
MTP - Multi-Terrain Pattern has recently taken over as the primary camouflage in the United Kingdom due to the recent operations in Afghanistan. Soldiers were finding themselves working in environments where they were moving between desert conditions and green zones on a daily basis. This called for a new camouflage design that was more suitable to both environments. The MTP design is a six-coloured pattern that is suitable for use in all environments.
The CS95 Jungle is still best suited for use in jungle environments, and snipers often prefer a mixture between CS95 woodland and MTP when preparing for exercises and operations.