Suppressors, also known as silencers, moderators, or cans, are often misunderstood, largely due to the way that they are depicted in Hollywood films. No "silencer" is actually silent. They do however greatly reduce 1 out of the 3 sounds that are produced when a firearm is discharged. This is the muzzle bast.
When the bullet leaves the barrel of your gun at such high speeds, it shreds the cooler outside air, creating that very loud bang that we all know so well. Having a suppressor fitted, will greatly reduce this sound by controlling the flow of gasses leaving the barrel, through a series of baffles, allowing the gas to expand and cool in expansion chambers.
The other 2 sounds that your firearm will make when discharged, are the mechanical sounds, and the sonic boom otherwise known as the ballistic "crack". The mechanical sounds will occur from the hammer making contact with the firing pin, and the weapon being reloaded once the shot is fired. This can be reduced by using revolvers or bolt action rifles. The sonic boom, which is the sound that the bullet makes when breaking the sound barrier, can be reduced by using Subsonic ammunition.
When snipers use suppressors, they have the advantage of taking a shot into enemy locations from very close range, without giving away their position - therefore reducing their ground signature. Although the enemy may be fully aware that a shot has been taken within their area, they will have no idea exactly which direction it came from. The crack and thump method of locating a firer cannot be determined when a suppressor is fitted.
There are many advantages to using a suppressor:
1. They safely allow the shooter and those around to fire the weapon without the need to wear hearing protection. This increases situational awareness during hunts or missions.
2. Reduces muzzle blast (sound and visible flash)
3. Reduces ground signature - in the case of nearby enemy
4. Reduces noise complaints caused by larger calibre's
5. Reduces recoil, which may reduce flinching, and will increase accuracy
Remember that with a suppressor fitted, your normal point of impact for each range will change, so new data collection is required. For a full manual on Advanced Sniper skills and techniques regarding shooting and marksmanship, see www.tacdivision.com and view our products.