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The Open Tip Match Bullet

168 grain Sierra Open Tip Match

There has always been a huge debate over whether the Open Tip Match (OTM) bullet should be classified as a Hollow Point or not. On appearance it comes across as a hollow point, but technically it is not a true hollow point as the bullet was never designed to expand upon impact. The cavity is actually a direct result of the manufacturing process, in which it was designed to allow for the most accurate aerodynamics with the highest ballistic coefficient. This bullet is therefore primarily used for target shooting, hence the name "Match".

The open tip design employs a precision deep drawn jacket with lead poured in through the hole at the nose of the bullet during the manufacturing phase rather than the base. The result is far better production control and more consistent quality than other bullet designs, as each bullet you fire is weighted the same. The design originated strictly for competitive match use, with the meplat (open tip) being kept as small as possible in order to increase aeroballistic performance. Minimising the meplat reduces drag, prolongs velocity, shortens bullet flight time, and provides a higher quality, flatter shooting projectile.

Certain hunting bullets (Sierra GameKing for example) may look similar in appearance, in which they have an open tip specially designed to expand upon impact and improve terminal performance. These bullets have a larger aperture and often cause confusion, leading many to believe that the OTM bullet is a typical hollow point. The OTM bullet is not recommended for hunting as it was designed for pinpoint accuracy, with no consideration given to what might happen after impact. If the bullet has arrived on target accurately, its job is done at that point.


1. Most accurate bullet design with least drag and highest ballistic coefficient

2. Perfect weight distribution

3. Boat tail design, to improve long range accuracy even more

4. Flattest trajectory with reduced flight time

5. Readily available and easy to find due to its popularity


1. It is not designed to do anything specific upon impact

2. Not the most suitable bullet for hunting

The Open Tip Match bullet is one of the best bullet types you’ll find for target practice and competitive shooting, with the ability to dramatically tighten bullet groups on target. They tend to be much more accurate than Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) bullets, making them a prime choice for shooters who need extreme accuracy. These bullets may or may not be classified as hollow points in some areas, so double check on your local laws before taking them with you.

Interesting Fact: the Hague Convention of 1899 prohibited the use of bullets that easily expand or flatten in the body used during international military warfare . The OTM bullet is often chosen by some of the worlds most elite military Snipers, as it was approved for use in combat of which traditional hollow points are not allowed, due to the fact that the bullet was never designed to expand upon impact. For more articles visit

Below: 168 Grain Sierra Open Tip Match vs. 165 Grain Sierra Game King


Suitable for Beginners. Valuable to the Seasoned Marksman.

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